Monday, July 25, 2011

Stress and pressure

   Have you ever seen a poor person who looked way over weight , and thought to yourself " they are cheating the system because how can a person with no money be fat"? But when you see a rich person you think, " well they are eating good or have not missed a meal ( look at the rich car or clothes they have on they can afford a lot of food )"? Well they both have one thing in common as to why they may be overweight, and that's STRESS. Stress will cause people to gain weight no matter if they eat a lot or not ( yes people can not eat because of stress as well). But the overweight person whether rich or poor may only eat very little. They both have one thing in common and that's STRESS. So do not assume that things are going well for the overweight person, and that the overweight poor person is cheating the system. It may be that both have STRESS in their lives. The rich person may be stressed because they run a company. The poor person may be stressed because they can not pay their bills or feed their kids. Both different life styles, but both have stress.

   As far as the skinny poor or rich person goes, they may not be eating because of STRESS. A lot of us think right off the bat that the skinny person eats right and exercises because they are thing. They may be as unhealthy as the overweight person due to STRESS, they just are not eating enough.

  This word STRESS to me is live a ball with to much air in it. And this world has way to many over filled balls bouncing around. We all need to find that hobby that lets the air out of our balls so we can enjoy life. If this world does not find the needle ( hobby) to let the air out we will all explode, and I see that starting to happen on T.V. and around me where ever I go. Let's deflate our balls people and enjoy life. STOP THE STRESS A.S.A.P.

    QUOTE OF THE DAY; A Jamaican proverb ( a friend of mine who is Jamaican would say this to me) ; STAY WITH THE EVIL THAT YOU KNOW. That means some people are so use to being in messed up life styles that is feels normal to them.


  1. Right on!! Stress manifests in so many different ways......and there is so much stress in the day to day and my Dad were just talking about that just tonight..... Just that we have to take the time to laugh and smile about something, anything each and every day to deplete some of the stresses of life! He's right and we certainly practice that belief. Life IS a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get!! Hehe. So smile and keep blogging!
    Love you "imcheap" (wink)

  2. By the way, love the quotes of the day..... Sweet touch. ;-)

  3. Thank you "Cookie". I try to let people in this world into my brain. I want everyone to see how I think about life. I hope everyone who reads these either laughs or thinks or all of the above.
